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To Get To Here,
A Journey Through My Childhood, 1953-1963 
Anne Boykin

ISBN 9798868344336


After 31 years and much wailing and gnashing of teeth, “To Get to Here, A Journey Through My Childhood, 1953-1963” has been uploaded and approved. This is the story of Anne's growing up years in College Station, Texas, New Mexico and California. The stories are mostly the observations of a young girl as she sat back and observed the goings on of family, friends and adults in her life. It's a poignant coming of age book that will bring a lot of laughter and a few tears to the reader. The Appendices are full of many of Anne's essays, historical newsletters, and family obituaries she has written. Her own fill in the date obituary is also included. And, not to be morbid, the book is intended for the reader to color in the chapter titles and color in the photographs. So, for all of the kids at heart, grab your gel pens and have fun! Add the mustaches, beards and crazy hats. Be a kid again!



The book will be available for sale on Amazon by December 1, 2023. The Appendices are almost as meaty as the stories. 363 pages, hardcover, 8.25” x 11”, 100s of photos. $37

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Miss Doofey Opossum
Anne Boykin

ISBN 978-0976130192


Miss Doofey Opossum is an epic poem, written, designed and illustrated by the Anne Boykin. The story is true and tells about the life of an orphaned baby opossum rescued by the author's brother and his best friend. The baby was given to the author's children to raise with the hopes of releasing the opossum back into the wild. The charming and colorful illustrations help to tell Miss Doofey's story, as do the photographs of Miss Doofey. Technical information on opossums and their necessary value in our ecosystem follows after the poem. This book will delight a young audience and parents, as well. Soft-bound, 32 pages, 50+ illustrations, 8.5"x11". $19.95

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The Christmas Chameleon,
A Colorful Tail & Coloring Book
Anne Boykin

ISBN 978-0976130130


The Christmas Chameleon, A Colorful Tail & Coloring Book, is a companion to the original Christmas Chameleon. It is a whimsical story of a little chameleon, Chris, who comes to visit an elderly lady, GrAnne, while she decorates her Christmas tree. They share experiences and become dear friends. The book contains, in addition to the original story, numerous coloring pages, colorful illustrations, and games. The author designed, illustrated, and composed this darling book for children of all ages. Soft-bound, 42 pages, 60+ illustrations, 8.5"x11". $22.95

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The Christmas Chameleon,
A Colorful Tail  (The Original Book)
Anne Boykin

ISBN 978-0976130109


The Christmas Chameleon, A Colorful Tail is the first book Anne published. It is the whimsical story of a little chameleon based on a true story that happened to Anne one lonely Christmas in Austin, Texas. The story unfolds in an epic poem with a song song rhyme. The author designed, illustrated, and composed this darling book for children of all ages. Soft-bound, 32 pages, 50+ illustrations, 8.5"x11". $11.99

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